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Author of Water the Bamboo

David Meerman Scott acknowledges that “The shift from merely selling a product or service to building a Fanocracy is a powerful one. It starts by changing the way you think about your customers.”
David helps companies and organizations generate attention and grow business in a real-time world. He spotted the online content revolution in its infancy and wrote five books about it including The New Rules of Marketing & PR, the definitive book on the topic, translated into 29 languages. Now, there’s a new inflection point. The pendulum has swung too far, creating a world of digital chaos. Tech-weary and bot-wary people are longing for human connection. There are businesses and organizations who have learned to win by tapping into this mindset by creating a Fanocracy. David’s eleventh book, Fanocracy, a Wall Street Journal best-seller, proves that creating fandom is not something reserved just for celebrities, athletes, and authors. Creating a Fanocracy is rocket fuel used by forward-thinking companies and organizations of all sorts - including those from the most unlikely industries - to inspire and nurture true fans.
David is also the pioneer of Newsjacking, a business growth strategy so successful that it is now listed in the Oxford English Dictionary: “In the space of a few short years, newsjacking has gone from an experimental technique to a staple in every social media-savvy marketing department’s arsenal. Its contemporary iteration, however, dates from the early twenty-first century, as first popularized by marketing and sales strategist David Meerman Scott.”
In David’s most recent book, Standout Virtual Events: How to Create an Experience that Your Audience Will Love, he and his co-author provide an essential guide with invaluable take-ways for anyone tasked with designing, hosting, or presenting and want their audience to experience an exceptional virtual event.
David is a co-founder and partner in Signature Tones, a sonic branding studio. Signature Tones works with clients to create sonic logos and original music for use perfectly in tune with their brand. Sonic branding includes original music that is used in videos, podcasts, products and services, as walk on music for speaking engagements, in TV and radio commercials.
In his spare time, he is a massive live music fan, having been to 804 live shows since he was 15 years old, is passionate about the Apollo lunar program, and he loves to surf but isn't very good at it.
* Turning Customers into Fans
Turning Customers into Fans in Challenging Times
Why do some brands, even in supposedly mundane categories like car insurance and enterprise software, attract not just customers, or even loyal customers, but passionate fans? These brands have learned to provide the human connection people are now longing for. David Meerman Scott calls it a Fanocracy.
Creating fandom isn’t just for actors, athletes, musicians, and authors. Fandom can be rocket fuel for any company or organization that chooses to focus on inspiring and nurturing true fans.
This is especially true during Covid-19 pandemic. In today’s lockdown reality, marketers and salespeople have an opportunity to use online media and especially video to engage viewers when face-to-face interaction is no longer an option. An understanding of what’s going on in our brains as we watch a video teaches us a simple but powerful way to make our videos more effective, driving engagement, and building fans.
* Standout Virtual Events: How to Create an Experience that Your Audience Will Love
Everyone wonders what the future holds for events if people are unable to travel or gather in large groups in the short term, and how the industry may be impacted in the long term. One thing we know for sure: Whether you are an event organizer or speaker, your business is changing.
Unfortunately, when experienced events folks move into the virtual setting, they often try to replicate what works for in-person events. However, what works on a stage rarely translates well to digital. To succeed in virtual events we need to reimagine what is possible.
"David knocked out partners' socks off at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference. The lessons and examples he gives during his presentation provide our partner channel the insights and actionable tools they need to successfully market their businesses in the ever-evolving digital marketing age."
-- Microsoft